Three Great Events to Check Out Next Week If You’re in Michigan
My good friend Henry Greenspan told me about the following events:
1. Tuesday, March 24th: "The Vioxx Drug Catastrophe: A Story of Ethical and Regulatory Failure." Talk by veteran pharmaceutical executive and consultant, Tom Nesi, author of, _Poison Pills: The Untold Story of the Vioxx Drug Scandal_. UM Biomed Science Research Aud (the "pringle"), Noon - 1 pm. Open to all. (Sponsored by Rackham GSAS, UM Dept. of Pharmacology/Med School, RC).
2. Wednesday, March 25th: "Temptation and Trespass: Ethics and Decision Making in the Pharmaceutical Industry." Talk by UM RC Lecturer Dr. Henry Greenspan, UM Bioethics Grand Rounds, Ford Auditorium, UM Hospital, noon-1 pm. Open to all. (UM Health System)
3. Thursday, March 26th: "Access Denied: The Fight for Corporate Accountability--Should FDA Approval Bar the Courthouse Door?" Short film showing followed by discussion led by Nan Aron, Director of the American Justice Federation and nationally-known Supreme Court expert, and Dr. Henry Greenspan, UM RC Lecturer and founder of Justice in Michigan and Americans for Drug and Device Accountability. Angell Hall Auditorium B, noon-1pm. Lunch (pizza) provided.
They all sound great to me.